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liquid assets 【商業】流動資產。

liquid capital

This formula provided symmetry and the arrangements would ensure that there would always be adequate , liquid assets in the backing portfolio , while allowing assets which were clearly surplus to the narrow needs of that portfolio to be managed more flexibly in the investment portfolio 這套方案的好處是同時設立上下限的對應安排,而有關安排既可確保支持組合經常有足夠和流動性高的資產,亦使支持組合內的過剩資產這些資產明顯超出支持組合具體需要的范圍能以更靈活的方式管理。

Theoretically , through its five functions , improving the allocation of capital , improving the management of liquid assets , monitoring the managers and implementing corporate control , mobilizing savings and facilitating transaction , how financial system promotes economic growth is examined from the perspective of trade cost and information cost ; empirically , both cross - country and single - country achievements are described with a stress on the cases of single countries and china 理論方面從交易成本和信息成本的角度來分析金融體系通過其五大功能作用于經濟增長的機制:改善資本的配置、改善流動性風險的管理、監督管理者和實施公司控制、調動儲蓄、便利交易;對實證研究的成果總結則分跨國與國別來描述,并以國別序列研究和中國的研究為重點。

Nevertheless , as the price of raw material increased and depreciation of old equipment , shortage of liquid asset , sharp competition in international ceramics market , such negative factors lead the development of ceramics industry to be slow down , the amount in ceramics exportation substantially dropped 可近年來由于原材料漲價、設備老化、流動資金短缺、國際陶瓷市場競爭激烈等諸多不利因素使得景德鎮的陶瓷產業發展落后,外貿出口額持續下降。

An example of the special requirement of the exchange fund is , of course , the need to hold us dollar liquid assets to provide for the full , foreign - exchange backing for the monetary base in accordance with the currency board rules of our linked exchange rate system 舉例來說,外匯基金的其中一項特別規定是持有美元流動資產,以按照聯系匯率制度下的貨幣發行局運作規則,為貨幣基礎提供十足的外幣支持。

One london - based private banking expert said : “ at this point , standard chartered has got a large asian banking network , but they don ' t have the capacity to adequately serve wealthy clients with more than $ 1m of liquid assets 一位駐倫敦工作的私人銀行業務專家稱: “渣打銀行當前已經擁有了一個規模相當大的亞洲銀行業務網絡,但他們沒有能力為流動資產逾百萬美元的富有客戶提供足夠服務。 ”

This back - to - back structure allows banks to effectively ' re - package ' their mortgage assets into a more liquid asset and maintain the majority of the cash flow if they hold the mbs in their own investment portfolio 按揭證券的背對背結構,讓銀行有效地“重新包裝“按揭貸款,成為流動性更高的資產;另外,銀行如果在投資組合中繼續持有按揭證券,更可保留大部分現金流量。

Defining “ high net worth “ individuals as those with liquid assets of more than $ 5m ( & pound ; 2 . 6m ) , mr yukawa estimates that 300 , 000 japanese could use private banking services , but only 50 , 000 do 湯川給“高凈財富”所下的定義,是那些流動資產超過500萬美元(合260萬英鎊)的人。他估計,日本有30萬人可使用私人銀行服務,但只有5萬人這樣做。

This would make fuller use of the liquid assets in hong kong s banking system - some us 138 billion - as well as facilitate interbank lending because of the security of such high - quality collateral 發展這個市場可以更充分運用香港銀行體系中總值約1 , 380億美元的流動資產,而且由于有這樣優質的抵押品,發展這個市場亦有助促進銀行同業借款。

This would make fuller use of the liquid assets in hong kong s banking system - some us $ 138 billion - as well as facilitate interbank lending because of the security of such high - quality collateral 發展這個市場可以更充分運用香港銀行體系中總值約1 , 380億美元的流動資產,而且由于有這樣優質的抵押品,發展這個市場亦有助促進銀行同業借款。

Defining “ high net worth “ individuals as those with liquid assets of more than $ 5m ( ? 2 . 6m ) , mr yukawa estimates that 300 , 000 japanese could use private banking services , but only 50 , 000 do 湯川給“高凈財富”所下的定義,是那些流動資產超過500萬美元(合260萬英鎊)的人。他估計,日本有30萬人可使用私人銀行服務,但只有5萬人這樣做。

At first these went into safe , liquid assets like american treasury bonds ? the asian financial crisis of 1997 - 98 was still a recent memory and many countries were keen to amass reserves 一開始,這筆錢用在了安全、流動性強的資產比如美國國債? ? 1997 - 98年的亞洲金融危機還歷歷在目,許多國家都渴望積聚外匯儲備。

And few of today ' s self - made millionaires have made it into the super - rich bracket - where liquid assets tend to be more than $ 30m and private banking profits are highest 今天只有極少數自我發家的百萬富豪進入超級富人行列,這個階層的流動資產往往超過3000萬美元,為他們提供服務的私人銀行的利潤最高。

The number of women of “ high net worth “ status ( classified as those with onshore liquid assets of more than 200 , 000 ) overtook men in 2005 - with 448 , 100 rich women compared to 429 , 300 men 2005年,擁有“高凈值” (國內流動資產超過20萬英鎊)身份的女性數量達到44萬8千1百,超過男性的42萬9千3百人。

The capital market can be contrasted with other financial markets such as the money market which deals in short term liquid assets , and derivatives markets which deals in derivative contracts 資本市場是一種市場形式,而不是指一個物理地點,它是指所有在這個市場上交易的人、機構以及他們之間的關系。

The number of women of “ high net worth “ status classified as those with onshore liquid assets of more than 200 , 000 overtook men in 2005 - with 448 , 100 rich women compared to 429 , 300 men 2005年,擁有“高凈值”國內流動資產超過20萬英鎊身份的女性數量達到44萬8千1百,超過男性的42萬9千3百人。

The number of women of “ high net worth “ status classified as those with onshore liquid assets of more than 200 , 000 overtook men in 2005 - with 448 , 100 rich women compared to 429 , 300 men 2005年,擁有“高凈值”國內流動資產超過20萬英鎊身份的女性數量達到44萬8千1百,超過男性的42萬9千3百人。

Their concerns emerge in a report commissioned by zurich private clients , which studied the perceptions and experiences of crime of those with liquid assets of ? 1 million or more 他們越來越擔心自己由于巨額身家而成為不法之徒的攻擊對象,同時也害怕在自己家附近發生詐騙車禍和被人跟蹤等事件。

In other words , just like the middle - class couple forced to sell their bmw at a discount to raise cash , these businesses were forced to sell their liquid assets 換個說法就是,如同我曾提到的那對中產階級夫婦被迫折價出售他們的寶馬車以變現一樣,這些公司也不得不出售他們那些高流動性的資產。

And because the companies ' subprime debt wasn ' t liquid and no one wanted it , the businesses had to begin selling liquid assets that ? institutions ? did want ? to buy 同時,由于這些公司所持有的次級債流動性不足,市場上無人愿意接手,這些公司不得不轉向出售那些市場愿意購買的高流動性資產。